Thursday, 29 December 2011

3WW Resolutions

A new year's resolution; demolition of the old me so that I may transform into the new and true me.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Praise God! My own Psalmist Praise

Praise God! Exalt him to the ends of the earth,

His works are never ending,

his wonders never cease,

his works displayed for all to see,

the captured are released,

mysteries revealing,

his infinite majesty,

seeking first his kingdom,

bowing at the knee.

Behold the Lamb of God,

born in squalor, born in pain,

living, breathing, dying,

for our greatest gain,

Praise him all you people,

praise him ever more,

look for him each day,

the Temple Curtain tore,

God is ever with us,

disciplined to see,

God is greater than my all,

than both you and me.

Praise God all you people,

praise God ever more.

Praise God! Exalt him to the ends of the earth!

3WW Sentence

Belief in a festive time of year causes a rumple on the face of the politically correct.