Friday, 6 January 2012

3WW Where to now?

Where does your naughty tactic get you? To the zenith of life or the pit of despair?

(3WW in a tweet. Follow @insanemessenger

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


A new year is upon us all. Approximately 2012 years since the birth of Jesus Christ.

2012 years of war, famine, injustice, persecution and abuse caused by the Church.

Yet we are still left with choices. Where do we invest our money? Who do we spend time with? What do I give my life to?

Choices make a person. When we make the right choice in small things often we make the right choice in big things. (That wisdom is 2000 years old.)

I have been at my parents house for Christmas with my two younger sisters who attend secondary school. My littlest sister refused to go to school today. She feared the teachers.

Aside: What kind of school is it that thinks learning happens best through fear? How does that motivate a child to continue learning at home?

So petrified was she that she had stomach cramps in the night, that her normally bright and joyful nature turned to anger and frustration.

She had refused to go to school by the time I got up.

I thought it would be an idea to give her a choice.

'You can go to school for last period if you want. I'll go with you.'

Rather than pressure, rather than autocratic orders with promises of punishment if obedience was not immediate I provided choice.

After some deliberation and tears my sister decided to go to school. I went with her to sign her in.

She has made the right choice, and hopefully will be able to face school tomorrow. As we step into the new year ahead choices will befall us. Our decisions will decide our future; as individuals, families, communities and as a Church. Let's try to make the right ones.