Thursday, 28 February 2013

Stating the obvious

I have a very good friend. I haven't seen him in person in about a year though.

Once we were going to change the world together. Now, we have gone our separate ways.

Yet the world can still change. There is no need to give up hope.

My friend and I used to run a youth group together, we used to write songs together and used to laugh loads together. We thought we'd need to work together to change the world. But now we have gone our separate ways. We remain friends, but we do not have the time to spend with one another anymore. Other commitments have entered our lives. We now live relatively far apart and we speak much less often.

But that does not mean we are unable to change the world. I do not need my friend (specifically) to change the world. I need love.

My friend does not need me to change the world. He needs love.

Love takes small steps. Love is careful. It is patient. It waits to see where it is most needed and it fills the gaping holes of coldness, turning the darkest places to light. Love drives out fear.

I am reminded of the starfish story. I won't tell it here. I'll let you take a google journey to find it.

But let us conclude with this:

The smallest acts of love can make the biggest difference. Perhaps it's stating the obvious, but we forget it all too often.