Wednesday, 17 December 2014

New Year Restoration

Yesterday at least 130 Palestinians were murdered, most of them children, in the name of God. The day before three people died in Sydney, also in the name of God. On the same day threats to the lives of gay people in Russia were made, in the name of God.
I perceive God to be a God of restoration. What God made was good; he said so. What we have now shows we have wrecked it.

I think God might be fed up with his name being associated with such atrocities. Instead, I think God wants justice.

In my view justice is not about punishment, justice is about restoring. Justice is about restoring humanity both to victims and to offenders. Justice is about restoring the world to something God can look upon and call good. Justice is what Jesus is about.

So, I pray fervently that those who seek to maim and kill others in the name of their God will instead be restored. I pray fervently that they will be restored to humanity, to a place where love is the highest virtue and forgiveness the vengeance sought. I pray that justice will come through healing for survivors, for the families of those targeted and killed, and through change in the hearts of perpetrators and their guides.

I pray also that I may be restored to humanity; that I may be completely human, seeking love as the highest virtue and having willingness and ability to forgive those who wrong me.

Instead of making new year resolutions this year I am seeking new year restoration. Would anyone like to join me?