I am tired. But I feel obliged to write something and so I shall.
The day has been an interesting one. After two days back at work I cannot wait for the weekend, although I have a job interview on Friday.
I returned from work with a list to complete. One of the things was to attend a place of discussion: Marks and Spencer. There the topic of my blog was brought up. How flattering. And then we discussed someone else's too. It was good.
Then the end arrived and I was asked to give one of the guys a lift home (3 miles away and a bit of a trek, especially during rush hour (or the "busy period" as it is now called)). I felt like being kind and thus was inclined to aquiesce to his request. On the way a biker passed in front of us. With a T-shirt that was too high. And underwear that was too low.
Needless to say we had a chuckle.
This evening I walked the dogs with my dear sister and I have done some preparation for the dreaded interview. Then I watched The Apprentice.
I don't want Alex to win. That is my only condition, and exactly because of that he will.
Lastly, before I go to bed and to the land of sleep, I will tell you that Hammy Bear is charging around the room in his ball whilst my dog whines relentlessly at the door. For this my father will probably moan at me for causing him to wake up. We shall see.
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