Thursday, 30 October 2008

I doubt you could care less

I have realised something over the past few days; no one cares.

At least, it seems very few people do.

I am a person who boycotts Coca-cola and Nestle because of their unethical practice.

I am a person who is opposed to war because it kills people unnecessarily.

I am a person who tells people these things, I tell them how I try to live in a way that promotes lives of liberty across the world. I tell them why I think war is bad and why I think starving babies is not a good marketing strategy.

And do you know something? Not one of the people I've told could care less. Each and every one believes a boycott is useless, that war is a necessity and that I am making no difference and should give up.

I personally do not understand why war is necessary or why multinational companies get away with murder.

I don't think most people do, but then most people don't care.

1 comment:

Mick said...

It is frustrating when people don't care about the same issues as you, or with the same passion as you. It doesn't mean they don't care at all, it probably just means they care passionately about something else; maybe even something that you are not particularly moved by. The important thing is to keep caring, keep being passionate and keep praying.