Some time ago now a young man of about 13 years asked me for a lift home from church. I, wanting to appear a good Christian (as we all do), duly obliged. The same boy made the assumption I'd do the same for him each week. Though this seemed slightly presumptuous I continued my service, secure in the knowledge that I was "holier than them".
You can imagine my surprise when, one morning I stepped out of my door for the drive to work and a smiling 13 year old said, "Are you all right to give me a lift?"
The same presumptions have continued and each day I give him a lift to school (it's not out of my way, and I have learnt to be a bit humbler; you're soon to see why) and he says thank you.
As you may have noticed, the weather recently has been extremely cold. Each morning I often peer out of my window to see an unfriendly and freezing frost gripping the grass and enveloping the cars in my street. This happened one day before setting out for work and I stepped out of my door to see that smiling face. I said good morning out of courtesy, and put my key into the car door. I turned it. At least, I tried to turn it. The lock was frozen. I walked round to the other side of the car and tried that lock. It, too, was as frozen as an ice cube.
What to do?
I do like to think of myself as a successful problem solver and I soon came up with a solution.
The boot!!!!
The boot was open. I opened the door wide and clambered over and between seats. I bent and flexed and squeezed and, eventually, sat.
"Come on," I called over my shoulder to a chuckling and mildly surprised thirteen year old.
My pride slightly hurt, and my already mild resentment of lifts evaporated I now gladly and genuinely wish a good morning to him each day.
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