Tuesday, 5 January 2010

I wrestled with love the other day

I wrote this poem when my friend suggested that perhaps Jesus does not require our all. Admittedly the end is a bit cheesy, but it gets the point across.

I wrestled with love the other day,
I fought with it, and I pounded it,

I tried to shove it out the door,
Throw it down the street,
I yelled at it to leave,
But it refused to be beat,

I told it it’s unwanted,
I told it to leave my life,
I don’t want it to rule me,
I just want it for my wife,

Why should I feed the hungry?
Why should I give my all?
I am happy where I am,
Not changing anything at all,

I wrestled and I fought,
I shouted out abuse,
It was written on my heart,
It really would not lose,

I wrestled with love the other day,
I fought with it, and I pounded it,
It tore apart my heart,
But it has taken hold of me,
I cannot wait to start,

Show me the poor and broken,
Take me to the lost,
I will give my all,
No matter what the cost,

I will follow Jesus,
Through all the highs and lows,
He asked me to follow,
And in him my love grows.

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