Saturday, 6 February 2010

Jesus transforms

I wrote this wondering how many of us allow ourselves to be transformed by the love and power of Jesus, or recognise that we have been. I also wonder whether we realise we are still being transformed, and will continue to be so.

I decided to follow Jesus,
Once upon a time,
I really wanted to do good,
To be the next in line,

I shouted of his love,
declared his name to all,
but this lasted just a while,
I slowly forgot the call,

The love I once knew so true,
seemed to dissipate,
I was desperate and so eager,
but any return seemed too late,

Yet once I used to shout and swear,
I used to drink my fill,
I used to lust at women,
Rack up an enormous bill,

Now I'm calm and kinder,
I live each day for him,
I think that love's still there,
Washing away my sin,

I know I'm still not perfect,
I know I still do wrong,
but I know who I'll turn to,
all this journey long.

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