Monday, 1 March 2010


Why must we forever be dissatisfied? Why can we not remember that last night we snuggled into a bed in a room with a roof? Why do we complain that our friends are not good enough? Why do we say that our bodies aren't beautiful? Why do we ceaselessly spiral in a world of consumer unhappiness? Why do we go with the flow even when the flow is saturated with uncaring? What happened to us that we do not care for the orphan in Africa? What happened to us that we are unperturbed by war in Afghanistan? Why do we forget them? Why do we remember only the bravery of our soldiers? What about the bravery of theirs? What about their valiance and courage? What about their martyrdom? Is it really martyrdom? Where did those passionate enough to die for mercy go? Did they all die so quickly? Did their deaths not inspire us to sacrifice ourselves to a greater cause? Is there a greater cause? Does it matter if there is a greater cause? Why? Why have I criticised dissatisfaction with the world through dissatisfied questions? Is hypocrisy a way forward?

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