Across the street
Screams are plain
Missiles blast
Infants in pain
The soldiers yell
The people flee
Guns firing
Across the street
A lone man shivers
The winter arrives
His body still quivers
The shoppers pass by
Smiles on faces
Eyes not looking
To the poorer places
Across the street
Starvation reigns
Famine cares not
for the lives it stains
Orphans and widows
Left by its grip
Weaker now
To death they slip
Across the street
People flee
Civil wars
Poor refugee
Turned to prostitution
By the ‘great’ and the ‘good’
Ignored in the country
Celebrating Robin Hood
Across the street
We walk on by
Hardly noticing
The poor people die
Across the street
We condemn the men
Who murder others
Yet we’re just like them
Ignoring the pain
Ignoring the cold
Ignoring the hunger
Ignoring the sold
In our own little bubble
In our own little world
We're righteous people
In a darkened world.
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