Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Hatred hurts

Hatred hurts and harms all those
Who cross its path or tread in its wake,
For hatred has power, power to kill
And all else falls, falls to the abyss,
And the whisper of hope is really a hiss,
And the heights of freedom are scales of pain,
For what we see is seen through darkness,
What seems so bright only glows in the dark,
For we have turned from the light,
It shines too bright for us to look upon its glory,
Instead of bowing we have turned away, and walked and walked and walked away,
But if we turn once more,
A speck of light remains, on the horizon, welcoming us,
Bidding us to come, bidding us to fall before it in awe,
And it will light the way should we turn, it will guide our paths if we’re true,
And we will find true hope, and we will scale heights of true freedom,
And we will be made whole when the light shines through us.

1 comment:

David Masters said...

I like the idea of "crossing the path" of hatred - this precisely captures something of what hatred means.

I also liked "all else falls, falls to the abyss".

"walked and walked and walked away" is good, but could be even more powerful if you chose three different verbs, each telling with precision a particular aspect of the walking (e.g. fled, skulked are two possibilities I can think of).

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