Wednesday 11 September 2013

Folly 3ww

It cannot be helped; this folly. Folly is sometimes called wisdom; the wisdom of the idiots! Now, there's a thought. I wonder what constitutes an 'idiot' nowadays. Once upon a time it had clearly defined boundaries. But to be an imbecile was worse. I used to pronounce that 'im - beck - ile' - just shows what I know! I digress.

No, when I consider myself wise, then I know I will be a fool. That is how I shall approach tis life. Then perhaps I will blunder a bit less! Now, as I squeeze the last word in, please do not cringe at the obviousness of its placement. Much obliged.


Old Egg said...

I suppose an idiot is one who does not recognise the folly of his or her ways but keeps blundering on.

humbird said...

Very wise approach indeed, just be open to different ways and suggestions too...