Wednesday, 20 August 2008

A Long Summer

Well, it has been a long summer through which I have endured and learnt much.

It began with my trip to South Africa, which you already know something about. Upon my return I had my photos developed in an hour and early the next morning I set off for Scotland to attend my brother's wedding. There I was best man and gave a small speech which made a few people cry. I didn't think it was that bad.

Then I came back home for a few days before I set off for Soul Survivor which is a Christian festival.

(Just to clarify, in this blog I have set out to discover truth, but some may condemn me for not already claiming I have found it since I am a Christian.)

At Soul Survivor it was my job to ensure a swift and calm response to any emegencies at night. Hence I stayed up every night. It was shattering. Still, I suppose I learnt patience and perseverance and how to use a radio.

Straight from Soul Survivor I got a lift to Wales to spend some time with some people. It was great and I discovered that I can talk to people without them always hating me. Obviously, sometimes people still find it best to despise my boldish and tangential statements, but some find it helpful, though no one seems to find it endearing.

Now I am back at home feeling like I will be a complete failure at work because I have done too much in the summer and have forgotten how to do my job.

But my travels have probably not yet finished as my family remain on holiday down South and I may yet go and visit. I wonder what I shall learn there.

I have not written any poems recently. I do apologise if you like them and will set about doing so soon.

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