Thursday, 28 August 2008

A Small Competition

Knowledge is power. With great power comes great responsibility.

How much do you know?

I find myself not knowing very much when I ask myself this question. Some people who know me might claim that I know a lot of random rubbish, and therefore know a lot. This is untrue. You see, I only appear to know it because conversation reminds me of hearing it or reading it or watching it.

So, when I examine how much I know I find it amounts to very little. What makes it worse is that today I realised I have forgotten almost every Physics equation I learnt for my A-levels, so now I know even less!

To be honest, I don't really have a point today. I'm just wondering whether you're the kind of person who knows stuff and could recite it unprompted, or whether you're like me and need a cue ('tis called cue-dependent learning, I know that) before you spout off.

So, in our comments page we are going to have a competition for the most interesting thing you know. I hope to get more than two entries. The winner gets a mention in my blog and if I can work out how to do it a link down the side. But, there are rules! You are not allowed to research it, you have to know it already! (Not that I can check, but it is a test of your integrity and may you feel guilty if you don't comply.)

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