Sunday, 3 August 2008

A People who love, fear and starve

I am returned from South Africa alive and well. My time there was enjoyable, and I shall tell the stories through several posts.

Let me first tell you an overall account of the affect my trip had on me.

When I decided to go to South Africa it was with a joyful heart. The Church I attend has done some mission work out there and I was interested to see what has been achieved and to meet people.

Whilst I was there I began to understand the needs of the people there and I started to realise the reality of injustice and inequality. But I also found the people to be compelling. Compelling because of their attitude, compelling because of their smiles, compelling because of how they live. People there say "Hello!" because you're there. They do not complain and they show respect.

This whole experience has helped me learn to slow down, to take time to talk, to take time to walk and to take time to tell. To tell of the plight of millions of people, to tell of the power of AIDs and ways in which it can begin to be contained and prevented.

I now have a passion not spurred by a "Better than you" attitude, or even an "I'll help the poor because I feel sorry for them" attitude. I now have a passion for serving spurred by an "I'll help the poor because they're people" attitude. I wish to help them because they showed me who they are, and that they know what it is to love and to fear and to starve. And I only know what it is to love and to fear, not to starve, and loving and fearing is quite enough for me.

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